Week 4 Alicia’s MKMMA Adventure: Time to QUIT!!!…wait…what?!

Ok, this is a retroactive blog post.  Back in the Actual week four, I was refusing the call.  That’s something that happens for various reasons, the root of all of them being FEAR.

Ok, I have decided to backtrack, for those of you who don’t know me. I have been VERY blessed to have made new friends in the past years!  I also am PRIVILEGED to connect with a few of my Inner Beauty Clients via Facebook.

For this reason, I’m going to catch you up to speed, pretending you don’t know a thing about me.

My name is Alicia.

This is my fourth time taking the MKMMA course.  After taking it the first time, I was a lifetime member.

Have you ever had the experience where…You have a belief or view of something that is not the societal norm, yet you have faith it is the truth, and then at some wonderful point, you hear or read someone else express the SAME BELIEF OR LOGIC.

It is an EXTREMELY THERAPEUTIC experience appropriately named Universality by Irvin Yalom.  It’s one of his 11 Therapeutic Factors in Group Therapy.

11! ❤ Today is your Day 🙂

I distinctly remember learning about these, and remembering how therapeutically powerful Universality WAS/IS for ME. For some reason, I remember the feeling of being alone as the worst thing in the world, OR, one of my greatest fears has been that I will be misunderstood, which is unfortunate because that is totally out of my hands.  So my biggest fear is nothing I can control?!  That sounds terrible.

Anyway, why was I sold after my first time through the MKMMA Experience? Other than the fact that #ThereIsNothingLikeIt ?

For me, reading the Master Key by Hannel was like reading in print what I’d always known to be true in my soul, but I’d never heard anyone else say it aloud.  And then all of a sudden I hear Mark J and the Fabulous Davene speaking this language that I know in my soul to be truth.  So, I feel that feeling of, oh! I’m not the only person who believes/knows this, how awesome!

That is one reason. Because what this course teaches resonates with my soul.

2. Another reason that I love this course is because I’m determined to become the best version of myself, I believe growth is a moral imperative, and one of my personal pivotal needs is spirital growth. All of that means, growth is important to me and this course allows me to grow LEAPS and BOUNDS every TIME I take it!

So…what is my aim? What am I on this planet to do?


More to come!

All my best,



MKMMA Week 7 of Alicia’s Master Key Adventure

MKMMA Week 7 of Alicia’s Master Key Adventure.

It’s going to be a fantastic week!!!

What happened to weeks 3-6?  I’ll say this: ever since I missed the first deadline, my old blueprint had me, hook line and sinker.  I didn’t even see it coming.

Even though I’m doing in better in life than I have in any previous year of the MKMMA (and I attribute that largely TO the MKMMA)  I have somehow stonewalled myself.

Now, my adventure is that I promise to be in harmony with the MKMMA blogroll before Saturday, November 11, 2017.    I always keep my promises.  Alicia

p.s. the only reason I’m able to move forward after falling this far behind…………………………….part of week 7s webcast that hit me the hardest was definitely the piece on forgiveness.  I forgive myself for being out of harmony thus far and promise to be in harmony with the blogroll before 11/11/17.














Week 3 of Alicia’s Master Key Adventure!

October 8-14th

Week 3 Webinar talked about…

DMPs & Perfectionism and Control freaks and how indecision is a decision.

This was the topic for week three, and this was MY week 3.   Indecision.

Much was happening in my life, and I was thinking, “I’ll do it when I have time to do it well.” 

Before you know it, I’m posting week 3 blog at the beginning of week 5!

My new Mantra / Affirmation is…I am a service-driven leader and in harmony with my MKMMA peers. Consistency is my middle name.  #ONTIMEALLDAYEVERYDAY

Anything noteworthy in life?

What happened in life…it was my mother’s 55th birthday.  1155.


I thought of Kesha’s song, “praying”.

Image result for kesha praying

I remember my first experience in the MKMMA where Mark J led a prayer and asked us to forgive whoever it was we needed to, in order to move forward.  I thought of my mother.  

I hope you’re somewhere praying, praying

I hope your soul is changing, changing

I hope you find your peace, falling on your knees, Praying.


I always keep my promises,

All my best,




Week TWO of Alicia’s Master Key Adventure (AMKA)!

Week TWO of Alicia’s Master Key Adventure (AMKA)!

Hello, Dearest!

Thank you for stopping by!

Welcome to Week TWO of Alicia’s Master Key Adventure (AMKA)!

Truly, Week TWO and THREE of AMKA blend together a bit.

What do I want to tell you from my personal experience – my FOURTH time in the Second WEEK – (DONNA FROM P&R – anyone?!)?

I want to tell you – even after three years and into your fourth year of the MKE, you won’t have Everything figured out.  I don’t have it all figured out; but every single time I read the lessons, I get something new from them – something I’ve needed.

I have the capacity to be obsessive – when I want.  On every assignment, for every blog of every week, I have dreams of having time blocked off of my calendar, and for the seas to part, so that I may sit down with a hot cup of coffee, a clear and fresh mind, and write the best blog post that ever was written.  Real Life: Competing priorities, the job that pays the bills sucks up all of my brain energy.  Part of it is the shock of having school type assignments and more things to do throughout the day, ok I’ll get used to that.

To me, the taxing part is taking the time to put my heart and soul in to writing my DMP.  And why should I not want to do that?  Why should I not want to be in the best possible frame of mind before focusing on what I want to choose to build and feel for the next few years of my life.  Why would I not want to have the perfect moment carved out to work on what I came to this earth to build?

So now it’s time to do just that.

Other things that happened in Week 2:

My boyfriend, Patrick, read an index card on my wall, “What would the person I intend to become do next?”

After reading it aloud, he responded, “Hmm…that’s a question I have never asked myself before.”

That is a perfect example of how life is different in the #MasterKeyExperience.  You will ask yourself questions you’ve never asked before.  You will learn to think about things from a soul perspective, instead of what society feeds us for their own purposes.  Making soul-driven decisions, not society and media driven decisions.  Authentic life.  I understand Not Everyone wants that, but I do.  I want authentic, close, personal relationships.  I want to build an impermeable family village community.  I want to contribute to society at the micro and macro levels. I want so many things!!!  And I am so GRATEFUL!  I am Grateful I have abundant dreams and desires to help humanity.  My SOUL NUMBERS are 11 and 22.  My research shows that 11s incarnate to help the human race, and I can TOTALLY see myself up there, wherever souls hang, (the soul break room?) and an entity decides that the Human Race needs more Love in their world.  I see my Self jumping up and down with my soul appendage waving in the air squeeling, “I’ll go!  I’ll help!!! I want to help!”

That is my soul.  I can see it now.  I have to stop myself constantly from asking people if they need help, and often times I don’t stop myself and it makes me a great Administrative Assistant, Customer Service Expert, Counselor, and Soul Healer.

As a soul number 11, I decided to have a Human Experience; to come to Earth to Increase Love and Heal others in any way.  Healing others can mean …comforting a grieving stranger… to… greeting others with a smile and good morning every day… to… developing an evidence based curriculum helping reintegrate military veterans back in to the civilian world… to… giving someone a Makeover and Building up their Confidence Energy!  Healing can happen in so many ways.

I have a lot to focus on.

Master Key Lesson Two: explained how the two parts of our minds – Conscious and Subconscious –  how they work on the Mental, Physical, and Spiritual planes.  This knowledge is vital if we are to create the life we want.  How are we to win the game we are playing, if we don’t know the rules?

In the #MasterKeyExperience we are going to learn the rules about how to impress our Subconscious minds, in order to create the life we desire.  Sounds simple enough.  And it is simple, but it is not easy.  Luckily for me, I’ve been practicing for years, and anything with practice becomes easy. #ThanksOgMan

I love you all.  Thank you for your patience.  Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  Thank you for being a healing presence on the other side of the energy and love that went in to this blog.  Again, I love you all very much.  I’m going to work on showing other people how to do the same thing. (MY DMP)


All my best,


AliciaBlueprint Builder

Alicia’s MKMMA Week 1: Show ‘Em How it’s Done!

Image result for leader

I am a fourth year. It’s time to step up as a leader in the MKMMA community!

I already have the knowledge! And as we will be told, persistent practice produces perfect performance! And it’s the truth.

Anyone who knows my heart knows that for me, life is about growth.  Truly, I believe that’s the entire point of it all.  If you ask me, “Alicia, what’s the point of it all?  What does it all mean?”  I would say, life is about growth.  The universe is ever expanding and wants to fully express itself.  I think that part of having a soul is the prerequisite that you’ll desire growth.  I actually believe the desire to grow is wired in us.  That is evident everywhere in the Universe.  What about humans?  Some want to grow, and some are comfortable being stagnant…or are they?


Here’s how I think it works:

Souls aim to grow, and some aim to do so in the way of having A Human EXPERIENCE.  

Before the soul enters the Earthly realm, it charts a course in which it can experience the lessons it needs in order to grow.  It is good to remember; when souls are charting the course, they are completely in touch with Divine Source, Completely Perfect in Every Way, Pure Energy and Light and Love.  Some pick some very CHALLENGING courses.  We’ll leave it at that.


Then, the soul comes to earth.  They have a human experience and are challenged to find (remember) their purpose, tap into their connection with Divine Source for intuitive guidance, and fulfill their purpose / learn the soul lessons they aimed to learn by having this experience.


Truthfully, I think it’s beautiful and poetically karmic.  I absolutely LOVE that we’re given the chance to experience growth in this way.  


Growth is my Moral Imperative.


One thing at a time.  


I’m going to finish this blog.  What am I trying to say?


I’m trying to say, I want to be there for my peers, in the community, because I would be lying if I said I didn’t have anything to offer, having been through the class THREE TIMES ALREADY.  It’s time to step up.  #GiveMoreGetMore


One of my Personal Pivotal Needs is #SpiritualGrowth and part of spiritual growth for me means being very transparent about my spiritual beliefs, even though I know that my beliefs are in the minority.  I guess I have worried up until this point about what people may think about what I believe.  The Energy it takes is just TOO Precious.  I cannot worry about others opinions of my beliefs.

Leader Books


So, I want to be intentional and transparent about sharing my spiritual beliefs.  I also want to be genuine in all of my interactions, virtually, and in person.   I want to build a solid foundation upon which to build the Brand of Inner Beauty.  I want to be known for integrity.  Evidence-Based Practice.  Practitioner. Scientist. Advocate.*


Angel number 222


MK Lesson 1:22 Tells us: We are related to the world within by the subconscious mind.  The solar plexus is the organ of this mind; the sympathetic system of nerves presides over all subjective sensations, such as joy, fear, love, emotion, respiration, imagination and all other subconscious phenomena.  It is through the subconscious that we are connected with the Universal Mind and brought into relation with the Infinite constructive forces of the Universe.  


What does science tell us about the subconscious mind?  What does the MKMMA teach us?  


#MasterKeyExperience is A self-action course, not a self-help course.


MK Lesson 1:35 A majority of mankind lives in the world without; few have found the world within, and yet it is the world within that makes the world without; it is therefore creative and everything which you find in your world without has been created by you in the world within.


SPEND TIME THINKING ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT.  What you think about is what you get.  Spend time thinking about what you want, where you want to go, where you want to be, etc.


“In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits.  Good habits are the key to all success.  Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.  Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedeth all others is – I will form good habits and become their slave.” – Og Mandino Scroll 1 The Greatest Salesman In the World








Scroll 1: Herein lies the hidden secret of all man’s accomplishments.  As I repeat the words daily they will soon become a part of my active mind, but more important, they will also seep into my other mind, that mysterious source which never sleeps, which creates my dreams, and often makes me act in ways I do not comprehend.




Amen hallelujah.  


#MasterKeyExperience teaches you how the brain works, and how to impress/program the subconscious mind for your direct benefit.

That’s not something you learn overnight.  I have been planting seeds for years!


My MKMMA Journey

1st Year 2014 – End of 1st Session I purchased a lifetime membership (using the payment plan).

2nd year 2015 – Had a Guide and PIF – Carol

3rd Year 2016 – Had a Guide and PIF – Deb

4th year 2017 – Have a Guide and PIF – Paul – Going to give my 10% of my income to PIF.  It’s in my DMP to PIF for 114 a year by Oct. 1, 2020.


So here I am.  My name is Alicia Novoa and I’m saying I want to step up in the MKMMA community as a leader among my peers, for my peers, as a way to serve others and get recognition for my creative expression!


I hope you’ll come along with me 🙂


Lots of love to you!



Week 19: My return to the battlefield…

I feel like a hero today. There’s a scar I have from a time in my life were I truly struggled. It was by far the most dramatic and Surreal time in my life. It’s the chapter I like to call , “D.C.”.
Truth be told, seven years ago, I went there ready to conquer the world. A year and a half later, I left, grateful that I made it out alive. I was worn, and pretty tattered, but again, I made it out alive, so there’s that.  
Writing is a very healing outlet for me, and I have always dreamed about going back to that place to write about it. To the place where I fell head over heels in love for the first time, with a man who would ultimately break my heart. To the place I lived when I lost the only stable male figure in my life, the place I lived when my grandfather died. To the place where I did my best to cope with all the loss and heartache. The place where I started getting ill, with pain from an unknown source, and feeling like an outsider because I was in touch with my feelings.
I had thought about telling the story in writing, but I really wanted to go back and get in touch with those places. I wanted to go back and remember those feelings, remember those times, so the writing would be better. 
Today I am the hero. Today I went back there. 
I walked the streets of Washington, D.C. I took the metro to the courthouse station. I saw the bakery where I sat and called my grandpa just to say hi, what I didn’t know would be our last conversation. I went to the Starbucks and actually sat in the same seat where I had coffee with the man who would be the first to break my heart. 
Today I did it. I walked those streets, I visited those memories, and I wrote to my hearts content, remembering the timeline as clear as day.
What a gift to be able to go back. It was bittersweet, with more sweet than bitter, because I am a different person than I was back then. I am healed.
And that is something I have earned, that no one can take away. In fact, now that I think about it, as I walked those streets I felt a sense of pride for the woman I have become in spite of how difficult that time was. 
I am stronger. It did not break me. I lived to tell the story, and so I shall.
Thank you for sharing my journey. ❤️

MKMMA Week 18: the more I give, the more I will receive…

I feel a bit raw. Yes. Raw is the best word to describe how I feel.  

Even though I ended a three year relationship and moved houses, I’ve been feeling so strong lately, and mostly on top of it. I’ve felt very in control.
This week, I cried about my mom for an hour in counseling. I found myself unable to shut up. I mean, 25 years…there’s a lot to tell.  

The hour was over before I knew it, and I even found myself put off just the slightest bit that it would be two weeks before we saw each other, instead of one. This is the juicy stuff. I could really use the help.  

So now, I guess, the doors I typically keep shut and locked are now cracked open. I can tell because the tears aren’t held back so easily now.  

I had the inclination that my energy was just taken from me all day. I have nothing left to give. But I know that’s not true. 

The truth is, I’m a bit raw.  
I remind myself, I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.
Stay with the feelings. This is what you wanted.
This is what I wanted?! Yes!

That is the most beautiful part; I manifested this. I wanted this time in my life to hash out anything I needed to, and tie up emotional loose ends.  

It’s so important to me to do this, and I see now how much the MKMMA will help me through this process, help me heal, help me to choose thoughts that are helpful to me. As opposed to wallowing or going off the deep end.  

I have the tools, and I know there are rooms in my soul I will need to open, look around, sweep and vacuum, and THeN I can shut the door for good.   
This is what I wanted so I will be ready to start and finish a counseling psychology graduate program.  
I want to examine / discuss / process my first 28 years on this earth, then close it up, put a bow on it, and leave it be. 
“In order to grow we must obtain what is essential for our growth, but as we are at all times a complete thought entity, this completeness makes it possible for us to receive only as we give; growth is there for conditioned on reciprocal action…” MK 18:24
“it is for this reason that he who has his heart in his work is certain to meet with unbounded success. He will give and continually give; and the more he gives, the more he will receive.” MK 18:25
I understand this to mean: the more that I heal and make peace with my past, the more I will have to give to my research and future clients. 
This is what I want more than anything, and I will have it. It will be a gift to myself, and anyone who is a part of my future including my future clients, friends, family, and even my unborn children. 
I will remember constantly throughout the process that I am no different in kind and quality than the whole, that I am one with the universal spirit, and incredibly that I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy.  
Thanks for sharing this journey with me. ❤️

MKMMA Week 17HJ: Birthday Wishes from Og

Today is my birthday!!!!  I turn 29 today.

I may have said this one or ten times, but this is the THIRD time I’ve taken this course, and this part NEVER gets old.  I got all teary eyed yesterday.  The scroll that we have been reading for a month says, “I am nature’s greatest miracle.” It goes on for four pages about how wonderful I am, and I wasn’t always so easy to believe such wonderful things about myself.  But this Third time around, things are really sinking in.  And the last night of reading it out LOUD and thinking about the day I was born….*TEAR.

Every time I take this class, I have a growth spurt.  This time is no exception.

In my heart, my birthday is a time to reflect about where I am in life.  And this year, I am TERRIBLY PROUD of where I am.  More so than in years passed, hands down.  I’m pretty sure that has reflected in my behavior this year.  Everyone knows I am excited about my birthday, and everyone knows I’m looking forward to it.  How?  I told them! I want to Celebrate!  I’m doing pretty well!  I’m HAPPY TO BE ALIVE!!!  **Thank you for my Happiness Progression**

I feel so good about where I am in life, but I say that with a grateful and humble heart, because I have Mountains to CLIMB in my future ventures, and I don’t take the work for granted.  It has taken a lot of work to get to this point.  BUT IT’S WORTH IT EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, ISN’T IT?  To be able to look at yourself and think, “I’m a better version of my past self!”  Now, “better” depends on the person and what’s important to them, but most importantly Growth is OCCURRING, which is BEAUTIFUL, because Growth is the ESSENCE OF life!  I feel truly alive watching myself become a better version of myself because Growth is my moral imperative.  <– That’s in my DMP 😉

My current Quest of Growth is my brain; sculpting it, directing it, and controlling what I think about, because my thoughts create my reality!

I want to GIVE you all a GIFT for my birthday.  I want to share with you something that is helping me get where I want to be.  I’m listening to it every day for thirty days, Starting yesterday.  I’ve already listened to it maybe 40 times since the first time I heard it.  It is the best BRAIN FOOD SNACK.  If this were a food snack it would have 30g of Protein, 2 healthy fats, and no carbs, and taste like chocolate frosting (DELICIOUS).

Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret


Enjoy friends.

I am so blessed!  I love you all.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Where’s the cake? 


MKMMA Week 17 : the Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift 
There are a few reasons/GIFTS/Blessings that could easily stand alone, and be such a benefit to my life that I would wholly recommend the Master Key Experience. I want to tell you about Betty and the gift the MKMMA gave me, the gift of forgiveness. 
Betty and I work together.  
First I heard of her was her employees saying something negative I’m sure, like disgruntled employees will do. The first time I saw her she looked MEAN, and I’m sure I sent out all kinds of nasty vibes. So I made my mind up that Betty was bad news. 

Well, Betty and I ended up working closely with one another, and while I was always polite and respectful, something about her bothered me deeply. I felt she was ingenuine, which is equivalent to violating a sacred vow in my code of honor and ethics. She reminded me of my mother. I. Did. Not. Love. Her.  

I realized how much my distaste for her had grown, when she did something I didn’t agree with and I felt my anger go through the roof. I was truly bothered by her actions. 
 I was throwing out MAJOR judgment.  
So about a month ago, in MKMMA class, we’re talking about the seven laws of the mind and the law of forgiveness comes up. Mark helps us clear the channel; he recites a wonderful blessing and your journey of forgiveness for whomever you need to forgive, it happens there.  

I picked Betty.  

  I knew I needed to forgive her for whatever she (didn’t) do that upset me so much. And I remember thinking “Good Lord how am I going to do this?” And the answer was so simple:

Love. Her. 
Sooo I started. I rehearsed in my brain and I prayed about it and thought about how to love her. I thought nice things about her and just thought “Forgiveness. Love her. I love you.” And really focused on it when we interacted.  
Oh and I forgot to mention, Betty was not nice to me. She didn’t like me at all. I felt she was always giving me impossible or insulting tasks and eye contact with me looked painful for her.
Well I’ll be damned, if the minute that I started loving her, she softened. I loved her more, she loved me more. I cannot believe on the kind and wonderful person (Betty) I was missing out on, because of preconceived notions, and the kind of energy I was putting out. No more.
I am so blessed by this healed wound in my life. No one should evoke so much negative emotion from me. That’s my scar. That’s my responsibility. So I will forgive and love, and I am truly blessed, because she was forgiving and loving in return.  
And my gift is the current status of our relationship. She invited me to eat lunch the other day and it was lovely! 
I am so blessed by her, and by the encouragement and support I had in initiating this change. 
I mean the MKE here.
 It was well planned out, because prior to this lecture, for a month already I’ve been reciting “I greet this day with love in my heart.” And “I know a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success.” The MKE helped me lay the groundwork for this forgiveness. They helped me clear and open my creative channel, and I keep it that way with a positive mental diet.  
Anyway, I could go on and on. But that GIFT, The gift of forgiveness, is one of the many benefits in my life from the Master Key Experience, and one of the greatest gifts of my life. It has made me, ME of ALL people…MORE loving!!! If anyone even thought that would be possible! It showed me How TO BE more loving. 

Week 16: Watch what Kindness Does…

My favorite consequence of this class…Is it the class? It’s what we do in the class.  

Week 16 was the week of kindness, and it was heart and eye opening.  
We had an assignment: Be kind and notice others being kind. 

We had already laid the groundwork for this assignment. If I was ever not feeling kind for some reason I’d think, “love them. Be kind, love everybody.” Thank you Scroll 2 of The Greatest Salesman by Og Mandino. “I greet this day with love in my heart.”

I am a different person.  


“I promise to bring a gift wherever I go.”

A smile is a gift! So I smile at everyone.
I’m at work and looking for ways to be of service…with a smile!

“Hi! I’m happy to help you over here!”

Be of service.
I actually got an email from a coworker, someone higher up, and the subject said “Thank you.” She said I was “a ray of sunshine.” 


She called me a ray of sunshine.

I am wearing my heart on my sleeve, loving humanity, and I know it’s effecting people. 

Have you ever walked in to a room with love on your heart and on your mind? 

Just do that, and start smiling. 

 No, they won’t think you’re crazy. They might wonder where your joy comes from.  

But watch. Do it.

People relax. People are relieved by it, and those who want to, will smile back.

Where I go now, I can bring the energy. I bring the joy. I bring the love. And it is a fantastic feeling.  

People want to feel good. They want to be happy and it’s like my joy and love gives them permission to do the same!

It’s amazing. I know Mark and Dave have shared,

“When we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.” 

I get it. It’s true. 

And all of a sudden I am filled up, because I realize that I Have been SHINING MY LIGHT!

And as it states in my DMP, “I feel truly ALiVE when I observe myself being a better version of myself, because GRoWTH is my moral imperative. Progress is my fuel in life!”

I’ve always wanted to shine my light! And I see now I have been!


Happy Dance! 

This ability to love others and be kind and be of service and see how dramatically it effects people, this might be my favorite gift I’ve received so far in life. A gift to me, that just by carrying love in my heart for others, I can lift their spirits, even if just for a moment.

Love is the ultimate healer.  

Thank you MKMMA and all my members who did the kindness week. I felt it.

Thank you God and the Universe for this class. Thank you for the gift you’ve given to me, and to us all.
Thanks for allowing me to share with you all! I love you!